Polvo de semillas de té usando como detergente para la limpieza

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Tea seed powder using as detergent and daily care products, it has features and advantages of:

  • The most natural and original detergent, environment friendly and no pollution
  • Rich contain of natural plant saponin to clean oil and dirt easily
  • Rich contain of natural theophylline to inhibit bacteria
  • Rich contain of natural grease to protect hand and skin, no chemical hazard

Many elder people especially in China, Taiwan, Japan and Southeast Asia countries,  may tell you that the tea seed residues after oil extract can be used as detergent to wash dishes, kitchen and toilet, or even as shampoo to wash face, hair and body. But with the industry development and chemical detergent become more and more popular, the youth generation no longer knows the tea seed powder any more. Until we recognize the chemical detergent has terrible harm to the environment, ecology and human body, the tea seed powder – the most traditional and natural environment friendly detergent once again become a first option for us.

The tea seed powder rich in plant saponin can be used for home use detergent. If you have a baby and you concern on your family’s health, you should try to use tea seed powder to clean things, it’s not only effective but also has no harm to the health and environment.

The skin is very strong on absorption and to keep health of our lives, we have to pay attention to the safety of the detergent which we use everyday. I have been using the tea seed powder in daily cleaning for almost six years, I found it has a very good effect on cleaning and easy to wash, it’s not only healthy, but also can help us to save money, time, and water, and to improve our living.

Following we will show how to use the tea seed powder for cleaning in our daily lives. Welcome to share your ideas and leave your comments if you have any other good experience and method on how to use the tea seed powder.

The tea seed powder can be used to clean

  • Clothes
  • Vegetables and fruits
  • Dishes, knife and folk, cups, glass
  • Hair, face, hand and also can be used for bathing and exfoliate dead skin gently
  • Kitchen and workplace greasy floor

Advantages of the tea seed powder

  • Multiple use of natural plant
  • No attraction to the cockroach and bugs
  • No moldy to the dish cloth and wiper
  • Cause no water oxidation, amazing environment friendly natural detergent
  • Strong oil cleaning ability, effective on washing cooking exhaust hood, stove surface and floor
  • Fine powder, no water pipe blocks

Direction of usage:

  • One spoon of tea seed powder to mix with half bowl of water, dip a little solution on dish cloth for cleaning;
  • Or strain into the water directly, stir and soak then clean with dish cloth, again flush with water;
  • If the dishes are too oily, scrub with tea seed powder to clean directly.


  • As the tea seed powder contains no artificial flavors and chemicals, it’s more easy to become damped;
  • Keep it in dry and cool place, use it within three months once open to the atmosphere
  • Keep it in dry container or vessel
  • Seal it if you don’t want to use it for a long time
  • Keep eyes and wounds no contact with the tea seed powder, the natural anti-bacteria ingredient will cause slight tingling
  • Shelf life: 1 year


  • Put the tea seed powder in bottles for convenient use
  • The medium sizes beverage bottle after drinking will be suitable for tea seed powder storage

The following pictures will show you how to use the tea seed powder for the first time:

(1) take a bowl you want to wash, put some tea seed powder (after washing one or two times, you will grasp the dosage according to the number of dishes and the oil level)
(2) add some water and stir
(3) dip a little on dish cloth or wiper for cleaning, just a slight amount will be very effective
(4)Clean the dishes as you normally do
(5)Flush with water, easy to clean, save time, water and money.
For guys who is doing business with restaurant and catering, using tea seed powder to clean the greasy tables and chairs will make you job more relax and pleasure.

While use the tea seed powder for bathing, take a small plastic container and put some tea seed power, mix with water and stir it until it forms like paste, wipe to your hands, face, body or hair, it can clean, exfoliate dead skin and dandruff, make you feels comfort especially in summer as it takes no sensation of dryness. The precaution is to avoid your eyes contact with the tea seed powder, prepare a towel before washing face and hair will be good way. The water after bathing can be also used to flush the bathroom and make it more clean and shiny.